10 Steps how to plan a vacation trip to Get You Started

10 Steps on How to Plan a Vacation Trip to Get You Started

10 Steps on how to plan a vacation trip | 10 Tips to Get You Started

What do you need to do before planning a vacation trip? If you’re like most people, you’ll spend some time thinking about where you want to go, but before making any big decisions about your travel itinerary, you’ll probably want to think about how much money you can afford to spend and how you’re going to get from your home base to your destination.

These 10 steps on how to plan a vacation trip will help you both fits within your budget and gets you from point A to point B without feeling like an overwhelming hassle.

10 Steps on how to plan a vacation trip to Get You Started

1) Map Out Your Itinerary

10 Steps how to plan a vacation trip to Get You Started

The best way to stay on track is simply not to get derailed. That’s why it’s so important to sit down and start planning your trip as soon as you know when you want to travel and what kind of vacation you’re looking for.

Once you have that in mind, use Google Maps or an online itinerary planner such as TripIt or Travel Organizer (for iPhone users) for a day-by-day look at your trip, including flight times and hotel bookings.

The more meticulous you are with your planning, the fewer last-minute hiccups there will be. And don’t forget about all those must-dos (museums, shopping, visits with friends) that are just too good not to plan for! This is the First and most important step of the 10 Steps on how to plan a vacation trip.

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2) Choose the Best Times to Travel

10 Steps how to plan a vacation trip to Get You Started

The season and time of day you travel can impact your vacation experience. If you’re going to be traveling by plane, avoid holiday travel times, or book your flight further in advance.

Similarly, flying in or out during rush hour will add significantly more time to your journey. In addition, if you’re visiting a city that has multiple airports or train stations (for example New York City), it’s best to select an airport that is closest to where you want to go.

To avoid long lines at security checkpoints and baggage claim areas, consider booking flights at times when most people are not traveling. This is the Second Most Important Step under 10 Steps on how to plan a vacation trip.

3) Check Hotel Prices and Compare Amenities Or Connect with a Travel Agent to Plan your trip

This might sound like a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how many people still book hotels and resorts without checking for price drops and comparing amenities.

Doing your homework can save you hundreds of dollars. There are lots of free comparison sites online, so there’s no excuse not to browse around and see what’s out there before booking anything.

Sites like will help you see whether or not another hotel or resort is cheaper or has more amenities than your current choice—and they all provide links to those hotels’ websites so you can book directly through them if that is what you want to do.

4) Build Flexibility into Your Schedule

Most people who take vacations plan, but if you’re getting away for more than just a few days, it’s important to build in some flexibility.

This way, you can adjust if your arrival or departure times are delayed and still make your hotel reservations.

Keep in mind that airlines now have tools like flexible scheduling—which allows you to change flights without having to pay an additional fee—that can help with this.

Additionally, services like Concur allow you to add travel expenses (like hotels) directly into your existing business-expense reports. Well, this is also a Fourth Most Important Step to keep in mind under 10 steps on how to plan a vacation trip.

If flying is not an option for where you’re headed next, consider renting a car or booking ground transportation such as trains or buses; these options also give you some scheduling flexibility.

5) Packing

10 Steps how to plan a vacation trip to Get You Started

At its core, traveling is about exploring new sights and meeting new people. But most travelers will tell you that their most memorable experiences happened when they were off-the-clock—like spontaneous dinners or stargazing sessions. Packing Plays an Important Part while planning a trip Among 10 Steps on how to plan a vacation trip.

This is something to remember when you’re packing for your trip. Unless there’s a specific activity, like scuba diving, where having a wet suit is important, think about skipping it altogether.

When it comes to clothing, take less than you think you’ll need—you can always buy clothes abroad if necessary.

6) What To Do on The Plane

Airplanes are notorious for being cramped, noisy, and somewhat unsanitary. To make your flight as comfortable as possible, focus on hygiene. Brush your teeth with an alcohol-free toothpaste to reduce dry mouth and don’t forget about moisturizing!

Once you’re on board, try and pick an aisle seat so you can stretch out a bit more. If that isn’t possible, request a window seat when booking so you can lean against it while napping during takeoff and landing.

Sitting in middle seats with less legroom is never fun. And hey, maybe you can have someone trade seats with you at check-in if it looks like they’re settling into business class (they usually aren’t).

7) Budget For Souvenirs and Gifts

Sure, it’s nice to pick up a souvenir or two while you’re traveling, but doing so can easily turn an affordable vacation into one that’s prohibitively expensive.

If you want to stick within your budget, be sure to plan by finding out what the general prices are like in your destination country.

Then set aside some extra cash for all those cool trinkets and mementos. They can be fun purchases—as long as they don’t become money-draining purchases.

As for gifts, people are often grateful if you bring something back from their home country—but don’t feel pressured into making it anything too lavish. A small token of your affection is more than enough.

8) How To Get Around Town When You Arrive

Do your research and decide what type of transportation you want to use once you get there. From taxis, buses, bicycles, and trains (to name just a few), there are many options available in most cities.

The best way is to look online and decide which one(s) will work best for your travel needs. One piece of advice:

Don’t spend too much time figuring out how you’ll get around—try to reserve that mental energy for enjoying yourself on vacation.

Arriving in town and having no idea how you’re going to reach your hotel is stressful enough; don’t let it spill over into your fun time away from home!

9) Start Right by Learning Some Local Words and Phrases

While traveling, you must make every effort to learn some of the local languages. Even if you only know how to say hello, thank you, and please in another language, you’ll come across as friendly and less like a tourist – which will lead others to be more willing to help out.

The locals will appreciate your efforts and you may even find them opening up more quickly than they otherwise would.

If possible, sign up for lessons before leaving home; it’ll be money well spent if it saves you from having embarrassing moments while traveling abroad.

10) Prepare For Emergencies

No matter where you’re going or how long you plan on staying, make sure you’ve got an emergency plan in place.

For example, bring enough clothes and supplies for your entire trip with you in your carry-on bag. This way, if flight delays or cancellations leave you stranded, it won’t be as big of an issue.

If your flight is canceled completely, there will be plenty of time to replace any items that didn’t make it in time for your trip.

This Concludes the Tropic on 10 Steps on how to plan a vacation trip.

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